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Boman Irani praises Vikrant Massey for his performance in 12th Fail – India TV

Image Source : INSTAGRAM 12th Fail won Filmfare Award under Best Film category recently.

12th Fail, starring Vikrant Massey in the lead role, was one of the most successful films of 2023. The film not ponly performed exceptionally well at the box office but also garnered positive reviews from the audience as well as film critics. Not only the audience and film critics but many Bollywood celebrities have come forward and praised the film and its lead actor. Boman Irani is the latest one in this list, who took to his Instagram handle and shared a post praising Massey for ‘inspiring a bunch of young actors’.


In the post, Boman shared three picture full of the text he felt to convery to the team of 12th Fail. He wrote, ”You got it right, Massey, I was aware of all your preparation, The weight loss, sunburn to make your skin look that way, the accent, and the rest of it. Most would have felt that it was enough to crack the role. The truth is, the real preparation happens inside the soul of the character, His resolve, his humanity, his belief system, his fiery belly, his fears and his strengths.”

In the second image, he remarked, ”You can’t rehearse for that, can you? You can only live it through a belief that goes way beyond your stupendous external preparation for the role. You don’t have to DO for the camera, you have to BE in front of the camera. That is exactly what happened. More strength to you, Massey; you have inspired a whole bunch of young actors, me included.”

Prasing the director of the film, Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Boman wrote, ”VVC, to whom I owe my career, has made a film that seemed like something a young, fiery filmmaker created. Not taking anything away from your work, Massey, but with VVC in top youthful form in your corner, you could not have asked for more. You got it right, Massey. The movie was about honesty, and that’s exactly what every angle of your face and eyes displayed.”

Check out Boman’s post: 

In reply, Vikrant thanked Boman by commenting to the post. He wrote, ”I’m extremely touched by your words Sir. Thank you for showering me and our film with such wonderfully warm words. We don’t just read them, but feel them deep within. Thank you for your generosity.”

For the unversed, 12th Fail won Filmfare Award under the Best Film category recently. 

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