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Exact time to cook poached eggs for ‘super-silky’ results

Timing is everything when it comes to cooking eggs, whether they’re boiled, fried or poached.

That said, the latter is incredibly hard to master when the eggs are submerged in boiling water.

The wispy whites can go wild if poked around too much and the delicate yolk will quickly split open, leaving the egg looking worse for wear and full of water.

Fortunately for those wondering if it is possible to perfect poached eggs, the answer is yes, according to Jamie Oliver.

Sharing a recipe adapted from his book, Ministry of Food, Jamie noted that all it takes is “just a couple of fail-safe rules” to make “perfect, super-silky eggs in no time at all”.

How long to cook a poached egg

The delicate texture of eggs means they can be cooked to varying levels.

An oozing, runny yolk takes much less time to achieve compared to a jammy one or an entirely solid core.

Jamie Oliver noted that the optimum time for all poached eggs to be cooked should be under five minutes.

He explained: “A really soft poached egg should take around two minutes and a soft-to-firm one will need four minutes (it depends on the size of the egg and whether you’re using it straight from the fridge).”

When it comes to the exact cooking method, a saucepan and boiling water is a reliable option.

Jamie opts for a wide-casserole style pan set over medium heat so the water can simmer.

The chef suggested seasoning the water with a pinch of salt before cracking in a free-range egg in “one fluid movement”.

If done correctly, the egg should start to cook immediately and may leave the edges looking a little scruffy, though this is nothing to worry about.

Once the egg has been left to simmer for a few minutes (two to four, depending on how cold the egg was and how runny you like it), it’s time to check the texture.

Jamie said: “To check if it’s done, carefully remove your egg from the pan with a slotted spoon and give it a gentle prod with a teaspoon. If it feels too soft (use your instincts), put it back in the pan and give it a minute or so more to firm up.”

When cooked to your liking, remove the egg with the slotted spoon again and lay gently on some kitchen paper to dry off.

There are so many ways to serve perfectly poached eggs, but Jamie recommended a combination of hot toast topped with a sprinkling of sea salt and black pepper.


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