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How to make those overpriced ginger shots – which boost immunity

The healthy drink trend has been on the rise in recent years.

People are constantly looking for new ways to improve their health, whether it’s apple cider vinegar or superfood smoothies

The market for healthy drinks has been growing since 2019, according to research from Mordor Intelligence. It’s already a $344 billion industry, and it’s anticipated to continue growing to an over $400 billion industry by 2029. 

One of those healthy drink trends has been ginger shots, which have been touted to boost immunity, reduce inflammation, relieve arthritis pain, improve gastrointestinal function and more, Medical News Today reported. 

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Blend it all together. Lay a cheese cloth over a bowl, and pour in the ginger mixture.

Bring together the tops of the cloth, and squeeze the juice out of the bottom. Continue doing so until all the juice is squeezed out. 

Pour the juice into smaller shot containers, and store in the fridge.

For those looking to try, be aware of the spicy flavor coming from the ginger and seasonings. The citrus can cause irritation for those who suffer from acid reflux as well.  


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