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How to Schedule a Reel on Instagram? [Advanced Tools & Tips]

Reels are a significant part of Instagram and generate the highest engagement on the platform. So, innovation with the reel is vital for those who want to stand out.

There was a time when Instagram was all about sharing what you were up to then and there. But as social media evolved, so did this platform, and scheduling content became a thing.

As this industry got bigger and busier, people started looking for clever ways to stay consistent and grow by learning how to schedule a reel on Instagram.

The scheduling feature has been a life, time and even career saver, especially for social media managers who maintain and publish content on multiple accounts.

When you want to schedule Instagram reels, there are many options to choose from. However, before that, you must know how to use them and which is worth your time and effort.

So, let’s learn all about scheduling Instagram reels using popular tools.

How to Schedule a Reel on Instagram?

There are many ways to schedule your reels on Instagram, and we will discuss the most popular ones moving forward. Such as Instagram Native Feature, Meta Business Suite, and SocialPilot Scheduling Tool.

Even if you are a social media wizard, you must plan your magical acts to ensure the crowd likes it.

That is why mastering the art of scheduling a reel on Instagram is necessary if you are aiming to win your audience.

You can schedule reels on Instagram using the following methods:

  • Native App: Instagram native feature to schedule reels or any other post is useful for those who need it occasionally. It comes with several limitations, which we will discuss later in this blog.
  • Meta Business Suite: Using the
  • meta business suite to schedule reels on Instagram is a good option. However, if you are a beginner, you might be overwhelmed by the complex interface.
  • SocialPilot Tool: Scheduling reels on Instagram with SocialPilot will give you several advantages over native features and meta business suite. It has many features that fill up the void left behind by others.

Now, as you have checked out the cover of our guidebook.

Let’s turn the pages further and explore the steps to schedule reels Instagram.

How to Schedule a Reel on Instagram Using Native Scheduling Feature?

To schedule reels, the Instagram native feature works only on Desktop for those with a business or creator account. It comes with other limitations, such as a scheduling limit of 25 posts for up to 75 days in the future.

If these restrictions do not bother you, here are the steps to schedule your reel on Instagram using the native feature:

Step 1:

Open your Instagram account on the mobile application, tap “+” (create), and then Reel.

Step 2

Select the reel you want to schedule and complete all the necessary steps like

  • Adding a Cover Image
  • Setting Frame Size
  • Writing a Caption
  • Tagging People
  • setting audience
  • Adding Music
  • Adding Location, and more

Now, to find the scheduling options click on “Advanced Setting”

Advanced Setting

Step 3

In the advanced setting you can turn On “Schedule This Reel” option and set the preferred time and date you want to schedule this reel for.

Schedule This Reel

Remember, Instagram allows you to schedule only 25 posts from one account up to 75 days in advance.

Step 4

After picking your reel’s best date and time, tap “Done” and then the “Back” button.

picking your reel's best date and time

Now your page will be updated with the “Schedule” button, tap on it and voila, all the steps for your Instagram schedule reel are completed.

How to Edit Natively Scheduled Reel on Instagram?

Step 1

Open your Instagram profile (through which you have scheduled the reel) on mobile.

Step 2

Tap on “☰” on the top right corner of your profile, then tap “Scheduled Content”.

Scheduled Content

Step 3

Next, tap “…” to open the editing options, then make the changes as needed.

editing options

Remember, you only have 3 options to manage and schedule your reels: Delete, Reschedule, and Share Now.

For more advanced features, a third-party scheduling tool is advised.

10 Limitations of Instagram Native Scheduling

After learning how to schedule a reel on Instagram, you should also be aware of the factors that are not supported by this native scheduling feature.

This is to help you make a rational decision as per your needs and pick the more suitable option to schedule an Instagram reel.

  1. Mobile-Only Scheduling: Natively Instagram schedule reel only when using the mobile application.
  2. Limited to Professional Accounts: Only business and creator accounts can schedule reels using the native scheduling feature.
  3. Daily Scheduling Limit: You can schedule only up to 25 Instagram reels a day.
  4. Only 75-Days Advance: A reel through Instagram native feature can be scheduled for up to 75 days in advance.
  5. No Collaborations: Collaboration on the reel is unavailable when you use the native Instagram scheduling feature, creating a problem for creators.
  6. No Crossposting: When you natively schedule a reel on Instagram, you can not enable crossposting on your Facebook account.
  7. Platform Restrictions: When you natively schedule an Instagram reel, it is not possible to share it on other platforms simultaneously.
  8. Lacks Advanced Features: Features such as details analytics, post preview, and scheduling reels for stories directly are missing.
  9. No Bulk Scheduling: If you want to schedule several reels at once, it does not support the bulk scheduling feature.
  10. Limited Editing: Native Instagram schedule reel does not support major editing options, so you might have to delete and reschedule your reel again.

If not all, some of these limitations will hinder your social media game in one way or another. So why waste your efforts when you have great tools like SocialPilot Social Media Scheduler to support your growth?

But before we dive into how amazing this tool is, let’s wash our hands off by learning how to schedule a reel on Instagram with Meta Business Suite.

How to Schedule a Reel With Meta Business Suite?

When comparing the Meta feature with Instagram native scheduling, you will find Meta Business Suite has the upper hand. However, compared to SocialPilot Schedular, it falls short on major advanced features.

To schedule reels Instagram on Meta Business Suite, follow these steps:

Step 1

Log in to your business account on Meta Business Suite. Click on the “Create Reel” option on the homepage.

Create Reel

Step 2

Now select the page you want to schedule the Instagram reel on.

Once done, upload the video, add a caption, hashtags, and thumbline, and invite people to collaborate.

upload the video

Step 3

In the next stage, you can make changes and edit your video as you prefer.

Remember, you can only schedule a reel up to 90 seconds or less with Meta Business Suite.

Step 4

After furnishing your reel with all the elements, click on “Next” -> “Schedule”. Pick the most suitable time and date to schedule.

time and date to schedule.

Meta Business Suite only has a scheduling window of 20 minutes to 29 days ahead. Ensure your scheduling falls within this timeframe.

Limitations of Meta Business Suite to Schedule Instagram Reels

Several factors limit people from using Meta to schedule reels on Instagram, such as:

  • Maximum reel length can be 90 seconds only.
  • The scheduling window is from 20 minutes to 29 days in the future.
  • Can not schedule your reels from personal accounts, only for creator or business accounts.
  • Businesses or creators can not tag products while scheduling reels with Meta.
  • Cross-posting on other social media platforms is unavailable on the Meta Business Suite.
  • Not possible to share scheduled reels directly on stories.
  • The bulk scheduling feature for the reel is not available in the meta business suite.
  • There are just a few editing options available for reels on Meta.

These limitations are alarming signals that you need a better social media management tool to grow your Instagram presence. This is why SocialPilot is the most convincing tool in the market.

Check out this video below to know why SocialPilot is better than any other scheduling tool.

The constrains of Meta Business Suite might leave creators and businesses to look for versatile solutions for their social media strategy.

This is when SocialPilot Schedular bridges the gap by offering enhanced features and flexibility that other scheduling tools lack.

How to Schedule a Reel on Instagram With SocialPilot?

SocialPilot is a powerful ally with a comprehensive suite of efficient social media management tools.

Let’s learn how to schedule a reel on Instagram with SocialPilot and leverage its advanced features.

Step 1: Connect Your Profile to SocialPilot

Your journey towards successful social media management starts by connecting your Instagram profile with your SocialPilot account.

To connect, log in to your SocialPilot account on your desktop and click on Account -> Connect Account -> Instagram.

Choose the profile you want to connect: Personal or Business.

profile you want to connect

PS: SocialPilot allows you to schedule posts or reels for private accounts also. A feature that is missing natively on Instagram and Meta Business Suite.

Ensure you provide access to SocialPilot while connecting, to have a seamless scheduling.

Step 2: Create Post and Switch to Instagram Tab

Once your profile is connected to your SocialPilot account, go to “Create Post” and switch to the Instagram tab.

Then, you can pick the option “Reel” to schedule your reel.

schedule your reel

Step 3: Upload the Reel You Want to Schedule

The Next step is to pick the media from your device. Ensure your video is less than 15, and the recommended ratio is 9:16.

To schedule a reel with SocialPilot, you can choose a file from your device or Dropbox, Google Drive, or Box Cloud Storage.

schedule a reel with SocialPilot

Step 4: Customize and Pick Publishing Option

After uploading your reel, you must finish other steps before scheduling.

  • Add Captions, hashtags, and emojis
  • Upload Thumbnail
  • Tag People
  • Add Music
  • Add First Comment
  • Specify Location

The final step while composing your reel is to pick between Direct Publishing or Mobile Reminder option. (only available on desktop)

Publishing or Mobile Reminder

Direct Publishing: Your reel will be published directly at the scheduled time. (only available for business and creator accounts)

Mobile Reminder: You will receive a mobile notification as a reminder to share your post further.

Step 5: Select Account and Schedule the Reel

Before you move to scheduling options, select the right Instagram account you want to share the reel on.

Then, you can pick from our multiple scheduling options and schedule Instagram reels for the most suitable time.

multiple scheduling options

Still facing issues scheduling Instagram reel? Go through our detailed help document to win over Instagram strategy.

SocialPilot is always looking for ways to equip your everyday social media needs.

Here’s another one: SocialPilot’s Free Instagram Caption Generator.

Our caption generator can spare you time and give you a breath of relief between planning, executing, and scheduling. With just a few clicks, you can generate a caption that captures your audience’s attention.

Try it for Free now!

Advantages of Scheduling Reel with SocialPilot

SocialPilot is a third-party tool for scheduling Instagram reels that offers a feature-rich environment compared to other tools.

Let’s learn about the features that play their part in improving content management, better engagement, and boosting online presence.

  • Mobile-Friendly: You can schedule Instagram reels or posts using SocialPilot mobile app anytime, anywhere.
  • Private Account Supported: SocialPilot also allows you to schedule reels for private accounts, unlike other reel scheduling tools.
  • No Scheduling Limit: It does not restrict you regarding scheduling limit. You can schedule as many reels as you want at any time.
  • Allow Post and Story Scheduling: Not just reels, SocialPilot supports you while scheduling Instagram posts and stories also.
  • Share On Multiple Accounts: Unlike other tools, with SocialPilot, you can schedule reels for multiple Instagram accounts at once.
  • Allows Crossposting: You can share your scheduled reel on Facebook and your Instagram profile together.
  • Cater Advanced Feature: SocialPilot provides post preview, detailed analytics, and features like scheduling reels for stories.
  • Content Library: Our tool allows you to create a safe space for content ideas to use later in the Content Library.

SocialPilot is transforming the social media experience of more than 13000 users.

Several marketing agencies are leveraging the advantages of strategic scheduling with a data-driven approach.

Not just that, SocialPilot understands the importance of integrating top and trendy practices that brands need to keep up their game-high.

Top Strategies for Scheduling Instagram Reels: A 2024 Guide

We have created a space that facilitates every element you need for your social media scheduling today or tomorrow.

So here’s a round of top strategies SocialPilot brings into your everyday scheduling plan and management.

1. Leverage the Support of AI

AI is booming in 2024, and so should your Instagram.

SocialPilot AI Assistant is all you need to create social media posts, generate content ideas, hashtags, edit posts, etc., making your reel not just good but engagement-worthy.

Did you know that even in 2024, several brands haven’t experienced the benefit of AI? Unaware of how AI insights can guide scheduling reels in a way that is both relevant and timely.

2. Understand Best Time to Post

The biggest benefit of scheduling a reel is that it allows you to publish it for the best time. Pre-preparing the reel for better visibility.

To understand the best time to post on Instagram, the SocialPilot analytics tool provides detailed insights into audiences’ habits.

Instagram Analytics

With strategic timing, your Instagram reels will get maximum attention and higher engagement rates.

3. Collaborate with Client and Team

For social media managers who struggle to get client approval on time, scheduling is a smart feature.

When you schedule your reel using SocialPilot, you can collaborate with the team and invite the client for their approval. It spares you with the back-and-forth communication that, after a point, turns meaningless.

With this technique, you can make your Instagram strategy work with smart scheduling and approval.

4. Capitalize on Trends and Timely Topics

As a marketer, you have a habit of planning months of content in advance, with which scheduling greatly helps. However, leaving some space for real-time trends and topics is vital.

SocialPilot has features to pause all your scheduled posts for a particular account, so when you have anything fresh coming up, don’t fret; just schedule it and adjust the previously scheduled reels or posts.

This strategy will help you keep up the game without shuffling your scheduled content.

5. Engage with Your Audience

Engagement goes beyond posting and scheduling. The least you can do to engage with your audience is to interact with their reactions and feedback.

For this necessity of social media, SocialPilot’s Social Inbox features are the hub connecting all these in one place.

Scheduling reels and content on Instagram will allow you to engage with your audience with their comments and messages across the profile.

By integrating these strategies, our comprehensive suite amplifies your brand voice while allowing you to schedule your content ahead of time.

Final Words

Scheduling Instagram Reels is an art and a science. It takes careful planning, good timing, and a lot of creativity.

Only the right tool, like SocialPilot, can combine all these elements in your strategy to ensure your Instagram schedule reel reaches the audience and truly connects.

Turn every reel into a standout piece by learning how to schedule a reel on Instagram with the best tool in the market.

Start your 14-day free trial today.


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