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Jamie Oliver’s ‘most authentic’ spaghetti carbonara recipe can be made in 15 minutes

Spaghetti carbonara is a classic dinner in Britain but has become a sore point for many Italians who have jokingly been horrified by how Brits make this recipe.

One of the most iconic examples of this has gone down in British television history after Gino D’Acampo left viewers in hysterics on This Morning after presenter Holly Willoughby gave her opinion on his pasta recipe. 

However, Jamie Oliver has said it is very easy to make authentic Italian spaghetti carbonara with only a few ingredients and it can be cooked for dinner in around 15 minutes.

In a video online, Jamie said: “We’re gonna make spaghetti carbonara, a classic Italian pasta dish. Cheese, bacon, what’s not to love right?

“But it can be really controversial. I want to give you what I think is the most authentic recipe and you only need five ingredients.”

READ MORE: Jamie Oliver’s ‘easy’ chicken pie can be made in 30 minutes


To begin, cook your pasta the Italian way. Take your pasta with both hands, twist it, and then drop it into a pot of boiling water where it should spread out. Jamie said: “By twisting it, it won’t stick together.”

Put a tiny amount of salt in the water because both your cheese and meat will be very salty. The pasta will take around eight minutes to cook.

If you are making the pasta with guanciale meat, then you can prepare it while the pasta is cooking. Remove the skin and cut it into thick one-centimetre slices and then chop it into chunks.

Next, take a cold pan and turn it on to a medium heat. Jamie said: “The reason I want it cold is because I want to render the fat out.”

Place your pork meat into the pan and let it warm up. You can then crush your garlic onto a chopping board and easily peel it to add it to the pan.

Jamie said: “As this starts to sizzle, the fat will just pull out some of that perfume from the garlic.”

While it is cooking, take a bowl and crack your egg into it. Add around 20g of your cheese to the bowl and then quickly whisk it together.

Once the meat is a dark golden brown colour, remove the garlic and turn the heat off. Place your cooked pasta in the pan with the meat alongside some pasta water.

Jamie said: “Use the water to stop the frying. That water and the fat, that’s what’s gonna emulsify to become a creamy sauce.”

Then it is time to add your egg mixture to the pan and use the handle of the pan to keep tossing the pasta and moving it about.

Jamie said: “That’s the cream. You get the cream through emulsification of the cooking water, and the fat and technique and timing. So as simple as this is, it’s technical.”

Add your black pepper and your creamy authentic Italian pasta is now ready to get.

Jamie said: “Get your friends, your family, get them around the table, glass of wine…that is as classic as I can give you, guys.”


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