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Mary Berry’s ‘heavenly’ lemon cheesecake recipe

You can prepare Mary Berry’s “heavenly” lemon cheesecake in as little as 15 minutes, but it will require some time to set properly in the fridge.

For this bake, you will need a 20cm round loose-bottomed cake tin, which is greased and base-lined with baking parchment.

Known to be the “favourite pudding” at a charity gala Mary Berry attended, it’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser in your home too.

The cheesecake is best made a day ahead so that it has plenty of time to set in the fridge before serving.

Here’s how to make Mary Berry’s lemon cheesecake with a delicious ginger crust.

Mary Berry’s lemon cheesecake recipe

Serves: eight people


100g of ginger biscuits, crushed
50g of butter, melted
Two x 250g tubs mascarpone
325g of jar lemon curd
Juice of one small lemon
Fresh raspberries and blueberries, to decorate
Icing sugar, to dust


Mix the biscuits with the butter in a bowl, then press into the base of the greased and lined tin (but not up the sides). Put the mascarpone, lemon curd, and lemon juice in a bowl and beat with a spatula until smooth.

Spoon onto the biscuit base and level the top. Chill in the fridge for at least four hours and up to 24 hours to firm up. To serve, remove the cheesecake from the tin, peel off the baking parchment, and arrange on a platter. Decorate with the fruit and dust with icing sugar.

Do note that the cheesecake is not suitable for freezing, so it’s best made when you have guests over.

An alternative cheesecake to make is Mary Berry’s white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake, which requires more skill and time.

Mary Berry’s white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake recipe

Serves: six to eight people


150g digestive biscuits
60g butter, plus extra for greasing
One tbsp demerara sugar
For the topping
200g white chocolate
One x 250g tub of full-fat mascarpone cheese
300ml pouring double cream
One tsp vanilla extract
500g fresh raspberries
One tbsp icing sugar


Butter the base of the 20cm round spring-form tin and line with a disc of baking paper. Crush the biscuits into fine crumbs by placing them in a resealable freezer bag and use a rolling pin.

Heat the butter in a small saucepan over low heat until just melted. Add the crushed biscuits and sugar and stir until combined.

Spoon into the base of the prepared tin and press with the back of a spoon until level. Chill in the fridge while you make the topping.

Break the chocolate into a separate bowl and sit it on top of a pan of simmering water. Stir until melted but not hot, then leave to cool down for five to 10 minutes until cool but still liquid.

Meanwhile, tip the mascarpone into a bowl, and mix with a spatula. Stir in the cream and vanilla extract, stirring with the spatula until smooth.

To make a coulis for the top of the cheesecake, place half the raspberries into a small blender or food processor. Add the icing sugar and whizz until runny, then pour through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Pour the melted chocolate into the bowl with the mascarpone mixture and stir to combine, taking care not to over-mix.

Spoon half the white chocolate mixture onto the biscuit base in the tin. Use the handle of a teaspoon to make a few small holes in the white chocolate mixture, pushing right down to the top of the biscuit base.


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