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‘Proper’ place to store potatoes will keep them edible for ‘much longer’

Potatoes are a beloved carb due in the kitchen due to their long shelf life but unfortunately, most Brits are losing money as they do not know the proper way to store their spuds.

According to Sainsbury’s, potatoes are the UK’s most wasted vegetables as 5.8 million are thrown in the bin each day, costing British households £230 million in food shopping a year.

The main reason people are wasting potatoes is they do not know that potatoes need to be stored somewhere cool, but this can either be in a cupboard or in the fridge. .

Jaden Rae, a chef and best-selling cookbook author, has explained that the “best way to extend the shelf life” of potatoes is to keep them in a cool temperature away from heat.

She said: “If your home is too warm, you can store potatoes in the refrigerator to prevent sprouting and certain potato disease-causing organisms (that thrive in high temperatures).”

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It is a common misconception that potatoes cannot be stored in the fridge due to fears that the cold can turn sugar in starch into acrylamide, a substance which has been linked to the risk of cancer, once cooked.

There were concerns that acrylamide levels in potatoes could rise if stored in cold temperatures and then placed in a high temperature immediately afterwards.

In 2023 the Food Standard Agency updated its guidance after new research found that it is safe to store potatoes in the fridge and will not increase the potential of acrylamide compared to placing potatoes in a cupboard.

However, Jaden has recommended against storing potatoes in the fridge if you are planning on frying them just to be safe, but keeping potatoes in the fridge can make them keep fresh for much longer.

Jaden said: “Do not refrigerate potatoes if you are planning to fry in oil. If you are boiling, steaming, baking, or roasting potatoes, refrigeration is perfectly fine.”

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Potatoes can be kept either in a cool cupboard or can be in the fridge, as long as they are kept somewhere cool and dark.

Exposure to sunlight causes potatoes to produce solanine, which causes potatoes to turn green and taste bitter and high temperatures will cause potatoes to begin rotting or sprouting.

Jaden said: “Keep potatoes in a dark place. Drape the bag with a kitchen towel to block light Do not store potatoes where they could get warm, like under the sink or next to a big appliance.”

When kept under these conditions, potatoes can last months longer, but knowing them to throw them away is equally as important in order to prevent food poisoning.

Jaden added: “Proper storage can keep your potatoes firm for a long time. If they start to feel soft or develop wrinkled skins, it’s a sign they’re past their prime.”

“Potatoes sometimes develop a green color when exposed to light for too long. This green part contains solanine, a natural toxin that can cause food poisoning. It’s best to cut away small green areas or discard the potato if a significant portion is green.”


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