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Tomatoes stay fresher for up to weeks when stored in this surprising spot

Tomatoes are a staple ingredient that have a place in many cuisines around the world but they are not the longest lasting fruit.

With the right storage techniques, tomatoes can stay fresh and flavourful for an extended period, enhancing the quality of meals and reducing food waste.

Traditionally, the refrigerator has been the go-to storage spot for tomatoes, believed to prolong their shelf life.

However, recent insights suggest that refrigeration may not be the optimal solution.

Tomatoes are sensitive to cold temperatures and can suffer from flavour loss and textural changes when exposed to the chilly environment of the fridge.

Instead, experts recommend storing tomatoes at room temperature, preferably in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.

This method allows tomatoes to continue ripening gradually, preserving their natural flavour and aroma.

Additionally, storing tomatoes on the countertop promotes airflow around the fruits, reducing the risk of mold and spoilage.

Selecting the right tomatoes is equally important for successful storage.

When purchasing tomatoes, opt for firm, unblemished fruits with vibrant coloration.

Avoid tomatoes that are overly soft or show signs of bruising, as they may deteriorate more quickly.

By selecting high-quality tomatoes at the outset, home cooks can maximize their freshness and flavor.

Proper placement is key to maintaining the quality of stored tomatoes.

Avoid storing tomatoes near sources of heat, such as stovetops or ovens, as excessive warmth can accelerate ripening and lead to premature spoilage. Instead, choose a cool, well-ventilated area of the kitchen for optimal storage conditions.

For those with an abundance of ripe tomatoes, consider alternative storage methods to prolong their freshness.

Freezing tomatoes is a viable option for preserving their flavor and texture for future use in sauces, soups, and stews.

Simply blanch and peel the tomatoes before placing them in airtight containers or freezer bags for long-term storage.


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