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Make a delicious bakewell cake with just 8 ingredients – ready in an hour

The Bakewell tart is an English classic comprised of shortcrust pastry with layers of jam, frangipane, chopped almonds and icing.

Also served in the form of a pudding, slice, and cake, the latter is easy to make for those confident in baking a simple sponge, and even those that aren’t.

The simple recipe, shared by BBC Good Food, has earned 743 five-star ratings online, with several impressed bakers branding it “delicious”.

Many claimed that “everyone loves [the cake]” with one fan calling it “an absolute winner”.

Aside from the tasty blend of almonds and raspberries, the flavoursome cake is so simple to make with just eight ingredients and an hour of your time.


First, preheat the oven to 180C/160C fan- gas 4 then base-line and grease a deep 20cm loose-bottomed cake tin.

Using a food processor or hand-held mixer in a bowl, blitz the ground almonds with the butter, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla extract until well combined.

Altenertivaely, mix by hand. First, add the butter and sugar and cream the two together until fluffy. Crack in one of the eggs and add the sieved flour a little at a time, stirring in between.

Add the ground almonds, crack in the second egg and add the vanilla extract. Mix until everything is well-combined.

Tip half of the cake mixture into the tin and smooth the top. Scatter the raspberries over the top, then dollop the remaining batter on top and spread roughly.

For a rustic finish, spread the cake top with your fingers. Finally, scatter with flaked almonds and bake for 50 minutes until golden.

Remove from the oven once baked and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Remove the cake from the tin and dust it with icing sugar before serving.


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